Democratic Republic of the Congo – DRC SLR
The DRC Strengthening Livelihoods and Resilience (SLR) Activity assists the Government of the DRC to improve the resilience capacities in vulnerable households and communities and support the Congolese people, households, and communities in their efforts to sustainably escape poverty and chronic vulnerability. SLR strengthens systems and institutional capacity; fosters inclusive economic growth and improved livelihoods; improves the availability, access, utilization, and stability of nutritious foods; and promotes gender equity and the empowerment of women and youth. The Activity focuses on Ituri Province, a challenging operating environment that routinely suffers significant shocks and stresses—including resource-based conflict (especially over land issues), disease outbreaks, and severe weather and climate events—that have led to significant food insecurity and chronic vulnerability. These shocks and stresses add to the challenges faced by women, youth, and other marginalized groups. These groups have limited access to land, inputs, technical assistance, and credit, which constrains their ability to engage in the market and use inputs and technology to increase yields, boost their labor productivity, and, ultimately, increase their incomes. TMG is contributing to the Activity’s formative research to refine the project’s Social and Behavior Change (SBC) and Gender and Social Inclusion strategies, and to inform the design and implementation of pilot SBC activities. TMG is also working with local partners to integrate SBC approaches into their activities, and with MEL staff to identify, integrate and track SBC metrics in project MEL and CLA activities. Finally, TMG will provide TA to local organizations to implement and scale select nutrition and WASH-focused SBC activities to improve the availability, and stability of nutritious foods, and to increase the uptake of essential nutrition and WASH behaviors and services.