Feed the Future Nawiri Activity
In Kenya, TMG is working within the CRS-led consortium on the Feed the Future Nawiri Activity to promote sustainable food and nutrition security through research and interventions implemented with national, regional and local stakeholders. The project is currently in the first of two phases; during this learning phase, staff are working to shape, target and maximize the effectiveness of the subsequent intervention phase. In Phase 1, TMG provides SBC leadership through our Behavior Integration Advisor, on behavior prioritization and formative research. The outcome of this work includes mapping pathways to change critical behaviors to prevent and mitigate acute malnutrition in the ASALs, and to determine how to leverage the rich tradition of oral storytelling to reshape the narrative of young child growth and well-being. TMG is also contributing behavioral expertise and guidance to the project-wide gender analysis, the Village Graduation pilot and the Milk Matters pilot. And TMG is supporting development of the project’s Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning and Continuous Learning and Adaptation efforts by identifying appropriate behavioral metrics for monitoring progress and the ongoing continuous Learning and Adaptation efforts.