Lishe Endelevu
In Tanzania, TMG supports the Save the Children-led, USAID-funded Lishe Endelevu consortium to strengthen nutrition services, improve Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) and WASH behaviors, promote nutrition-sensitive livelihoods, and encourage positive shifts in gender norms and equitable household decision making. TMG leads the project’s SBC strategy design, including developing tools to support the planning of gender-sensitive programming; conducting a gender analysis of national government policies and socio-cultural settings in the four region; developing a MIYCAN SBC strategy emphasizing gender transformative interventions; and rapidly adapting and improving MIYCAN SBCC tools and interventions developed under previous projects by TMG with our partners in both Tanzania and Ethiopia. By the end of the second year of project implementation, 110,481 mothers of children under two years of age had been reached through community interventions using the TMG-designed First 1000 Days Parents’ SBCC Kit.
TMG also led the development of an innovative set of adolescent nutrition SBCC materials with adolescents, parents and teachers, presenting the work to a national technical review committee comprised of representatives of the National Ministry of Health and the Tanzania Food and Nutrition Center. As a result, the Government of Tanzania has adopted the materials as part of the coordinated national response to improve adolescent nutrition. More than 300,000 adolescent boys and girls will benefit from the use of these materials by the end of the project.