Integrated Community Agriculture and Nutrition Project (ICAN)
In Uganda, TMG is a partner on the Abt Associates-led Integrated Community Agriculture and Nutrition Project (ICAN), USAID Uganda’s flagship project on resilience. ICAN is working to enhance the resilience of vulnerable Ugandan households in eight districts across the country. ICAN strategically layers services onto other activities to maximize efforts to improve economic opportunities for vulnerable households, stabilize their access to and consumption of diverse and nutritious diets and increase social capital by reinforcing relationships between formal governance systems and communities specific to Karamoja, Acholi and the Southwest Regions. TMG provides strategic advisory services for SBC and communication on food security and nutrition, livelihoods, and governance, girls’ education, and natural resources management. This work includes oversight and assistance in the design of the SBC and communications strategies for the project, related formative research, and technical support to local organizations working in SBC at the community level. The project’s SBC Advisor, a TMG team member, is leading an innovative behavior monitoring system to track progress in behavior change and the factors influencing the behaviors. TMG also spearheaded public commitment ceremonies among community members for change on behaviors requiring collective action. And to enhance community ownership and action on resilience plans, TMG led the development of community dialogue models with local leaders.